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Days of Iron & Clay, Book 2


I never thought I’d willingly walk into Hell again, but I did.

I survived and am back where I belong—at home. But Gabe, my demon-dead friend, is still missing. And the guilt is crippling me.

While I’m laughing and happy with my boyfriend, Gabe is suffering. While I’m resting and healing, Gabe is being endlessly tortured. But every plan I come up with is a suicide mission. And despite what it sometimes looks like, I’m not ready to die.

So, when my werewolf friends ask me to help their pack with a problem, there’s no way I can say no—even if I’m not ready to jump into another fight. There’s a mysterious evil the werewolves can’t track, and they need me to help them kill it.

It’s the perfect distraction. The only problem? Phoenix, a mortal, wants to go with me.

Even though he’s proven he can handle the supernatural, I can’t help but think nothing good can come from him getting an even better glimpse of how not normal my work life is. But I can’t say no to him; all I can do is pray Phoenix is still by my side when this is over.


My life pre-Samantha was turmoil. Soccer career, over. Family life, devastated after the loss of my grandmother. Dating? Laughable. Every relationship fell apart because the door in my heart had been shut tight. I was unknowingly holding out for the one girl who had completely changed my world.

Samantha is it for me; my heart knew it before I did. I’d go anywhere as long as it’s with her.

But her guardian angel, Eli, said something to me that makes me think something truly terrible will happen to Samantha. And I’m not about to let that happen. I’ll do anything to keep her safe.

Another Aileen Erin Series: BECOMING ALPHA

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About the Author

USA Today Best-Selling Author

Aileen Erin is half - Irish, half - Mexican, and 100% nerd—from Star Wars (prequels don’t count) to Star Trek (TNG FTW), she reads Quenya and some Sindarin, and has a severe fascination with the supernatural. Aileen has a BS in Radio-TV-Film from the University of Texas at Austin, and an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. She lives with her family in Texas, and spends her days doing her favorite things: reading books, creating worlds, and kicking ass.
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