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February Instagram Photo Challenge!


We are so excited about this month’s Instagram Photo Challenge! We’ve never done anything like this before, but we’ve been seeing some great photos posted by fellow book lovers and were inspired to join in.

February Photo Challenge 2017

Though the words on the meme seem quite vague, they are simply meant as inspiration! Take them literally or interpret them however you like. We just ask that they be somewhat book/reading related, if possible.


  1. Content must be your own OR when using someone else’s image, please make it apparent in your caption and credit the artist when possible. Because you know, stealing isn’t cool. Plussss, if you tag someone else and their photo, maybe they’ll be inclined to join us in our challenge! What a great way to grow the group and give a shout out to some awesome pictures.

  2. Aretha said it best folks, “R-E-S-P-E-C-T!” Let’s be respectful of one another in what you post and in your comments. We are hosting this challenge to foster camaraderie, not to tear anyone down or make anyone feel bad. This is a judgment-free zone y’all. So let’s be nice, okay! Also, don’t worry if you think your post isn’t as cool or artsy as someone else’s – you rock in your own right and we wanna see what you’ve got!

  3. Join the party! This is meant to expand our fan engagement and share some book love with a community of awesome peeps. Don’t hesitate to like, comment, and post until your little heart’s content! We want this to be a fun experience for all involved. Even if you can’t post every day for the entire month, just post when you can or when you feel inspired. It’s alllllllll good.

Let's Get Snappin'

Please tag us @inkmonsterbooks and use the hashtag #inkyfebphotos2017. We’ll do our best to respond to all those who post and we really hope to share some of our favorites with you. At the end of the month, we’ll pick some winners at random to send some special prizes too– so post often and post enthusiastically. We’ll be watching!


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