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Friday! :)

Hey everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve done a Friday blog post. Yikes! My in-laws were in town for three weeks, and every minute I wasn’t with them, I spent writing. But now, they’re back in Columbia, and I’m getting back in the swing of things. So, here is my fun Friday blog!

1. Yesterday, I went to the American Food Store here in London. I passed it on the way back to the tube after a wee lunch with a friend and her two lovely little girls in Holland Park. It’s always interesting what you see in the American section of stores. Apparently, they think we can’t live without Pop-Tarts, Apple Jacks, marshmallow fluff, and peanut butter. This store had a surprisingly huge selection of Ramen, too, which I found odd. I mean, in college I ate Ramen because it was 10packs for a $1. That’s a hell of a deal. Here it was 60p. No way would I ever pay $1 for 1 pack! YIKES! Buuuut I did find something I’d been wanting.


Okay, so £3.99 (aka $6.72) is a weeeeeee bit excessive for this travel-sized Velveeta, but when a girl needs to make queso…

2. While my in-laws were here, we went to Disneyland Paris, to Paris itself, to Wales, and visited Stonehenge. It was really awesome. I loved the Wales/Stonehenge portion of their visit. Mostly because I hadn’t been there before. Also, because I ruins! And castles!


Me at the abbey at Tintern. 🙂



3. Over Easter weekend, J and I went to Spain. We’re trying to take advantage of the whole being in Europe thing. Spain is LOVELY. The people were great! And it was beautiful. Maybe I felt a little more comfortable there than I did in Italy and France because of the whole speaking-the-language thing, but it was just so relaxing. We even got to go to the Lobo Park.


I loved seeing the various packs of wolves that they had there. It really inspired me, and I got a new idea that I’m adding into Alpha Divided! Super excited about that!

4. So the other day, I was on facebook and saw this:

Y’all, what the what?!

5. My birthday was last Friday. A while back, I bought myself tickets to see Nine Inch Nails as an early birthday present to myself. Tonight is the show! I’m so excited!!! I saw them once a few years ago and it was awesome!

I’ve been jamming this song before I start writing Cipher everyday for months. It’s kind of her theme song.

Anyhow, I better get back to meeting my word count goal for the day, because in a few hours, I’ll be on my way to see them! I <3 TRENT!


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