1. It’s Friday the THIRTEENTH! Yikes, y’all. Anyone watching the Friday the Thirteenth movies tonight? Even though horror books are a little too scary for me (I think it’s the closeness and the way I get sucked into the story), scary movies are my fave! It’s chilly and raining here in London (shocker!). It might just be a good night for a scary movie. Maybe even this one:
2. My boxes arrived today. I know I’m not staying in London forever, but I’m here for the next 11-12months. So, we shipped ourselves some little things to make the flat feel a little more like home. I spent today unwrapping some framed pictures and setting little mementos out around the flat. A few boxes worth of stuff really does make a big difference. It already feels like home.
3. Now that I’m all moved and the boxes are all unpacked, it’s time to get back to writing. The muse has been fickle as of late.

But now I can’t wait for the inspiration to strike. I’m behind, again, on my deadline. That only means that I’ll have less time to revise. That said, I’m still a wee bit stressed about it. So this weekend, while the husband catches up on his work, I’m going to be catching up on my writing. Wish me good luck. I’m going to need it!
4. Manners have always been something that mattered to me.

I think it might be because I’m super sensitive, but I always want to make sure I’m not offending anyone. In Los Angeles, I feel like I’m in the minority on that. Sure, there are nice people there, but the attitude in the city is very cut throat. Everyone is there to make it, and everyone else is in your way. London is a stark contrast. People here are exceedingly polite. Even the postman! It’s been a lovely change.
5. Pro tip #1: When moving to London, don’t pack all of your coats in a box and ship it. Just because LA was having a heat wave and was hitting triple digits, doesn’t mean that London won’t be cold. Pro tip #2: Don’t ship all your nice shoes. You’re going to need more than just one pair of kicks and a pair of flipflops. London is way more formal than LA. In case you didn’t catch on, I did both of those things. Thank God the boxes came today. I’ve been cold and feeling bad because I’ve been wearing kicks and hoodies to dinner. I’ve received a few pointed looks everywhere I go. Whoops! Sorry, y’all. Clearly wasn’t thinking when I was packing. From here on out, I’ll be dressed much more appropriately. 😉 Also, I’m going to need a pair of these ASAP! The only question is: What color?
