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Ink Monster March Madness


Hellloo everyone! We have some awesome things going on and we wanted to put together one access point for all of the links you might need for some of the sales, deals, and giveaways we’re offering this month! Tryin’ to keep it easy peasy! Enjoy!

Alpha Girl Series Sale:

  1. Becoming Alpha = FREE!  @ AmazoniBooks | B&N | Kobo | Google Play

  2. Avoiding Alpha = $0.99! @ AmazoniBooks | B&N | Kobo | Google Play

  3. Alpha Divided = $1.99 @ AmazoniBooks | B&N | Kobo | Google Play

  4. Bruja = $2.99 @  AmazoniBooks | B&N | Kobo | Google Play

  5. Alpha Unleashed = $3.99! @ AmazoniBooks | B&N | Kobo | Google Play

GIVEAWAYS: (Click on the pictures to be redirected to the giveaway!)

Shattered Pack Releases 3/28 – WOOOHOO!! Pre-order your copy today!

Subscribe to our Newsletter:

To keep current on all of our deals and giveaways, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter! Click on the picture below to join!


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