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Lola’s Obsessions [January 2016]


It’s been a few months since I shared my current obsessions. You’d better buckle up because I have a fabulous crop of new things that MUST BE SHARED.

1. Steve Aoki

I have to lead with this one so you can listen as you read along. AHHHHHHHH! Electronic music isn’t usually my go-to, but Steve Aoki just gets me, man. I want to listen to this song all day every day while doing shots at my desk. Good thing I work remote. Sorry if my next book is just a single run-on sentence.


2. Wait But Why

When I stumbled onto WBW I fell in instalove with their tagline: new post every sometimes. YES. That is exactly how I feel about my blog. Do continue.

Tim (who I want to marry. Call me, Tim.) makes super long, crazy researched posts on any topic you could imagine and if you like to learn new stuff and be all existential, you are going to love every second. Start of with procrastination, and then move on to the four-part Elon Musk series. If you drink the Kool-Aid (I did. It was grapealicious.), you’re going to be frothing for your new electric car and ticket to Mars. Just let me know if you figure out how to turn immortal so we can go colonize the stars together.

Wait But Why New Post Every Sometimes

3. Noise-canceling headphones

An ANGEL gave me these as a gift and they have changed my life. Now when the dogs of Chiang Mai call their nightly howling meeting to order under my window, I just flip the mystical magical noise-canceling switch and put on my techno-pop-hop flavor of the week. It is pure bliss. Thank you, kind angel!

Headphone Angel

4. Matcha milk

Thai tea is still my #1 baby, but it is super sugary and I would rather not develop diabetes in my 30s. Matcha is like my beloved step child. If you’ve never had it, it’s this chalky green flavor, but in a good way. I’m not as much of a fan when it’s in ice cream or cake or Kit Kats (or a million other novelty snacks), but plain matcha milk sustains me on my daily cafe crawl.

A photo posted by Lola Dodge (@loladodge) on Feb 8, 2016 at 4:01am PST

5. The Quanta Reset cover

I recognize that adding this as an item is kinda cheating, but it’s my blog and I am honestly obsessed with this new cover. It’s soooooo prettttttttyyyyyyy and there’s only one more week until the rest of you can see it. You can still get in under the wire if you want in on the reveal–otherwise, guess what I’m blogging about next Tuesday???

Quanta Reset Cover Reveal


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