I’ve talked a little bit about awesome kick ass girls, but what about the boys? There are those studly guys that support their leading ladies in a non-stalky, non-creepy, non-chauvenistic way. So here are my favorite, swoon-worthy heroes.

1. Severn from the Chronicles of Elantra series by Michelle Sagara: As heroes go, Severn is up there at the top. He’s strong, handsome, able to kick some serious ass, but at the same time, more than happy to stay back and let Kaylin fight her own battles. He’s watched over her since they were kids, and that kind of bond is really enviable, even if it does have a whole heap of drama along with it. Now, if only they would get it on already! Not sure how much more sexual tension they, or I, can take. 😉

2. Beck from the Demon Trappers series by Jana Oliver: Sure he doesn’t say much, but he kicks a lot of ass. I love how as the series unfolds, we get to see more and more about why Beck does the things he does. He was Riley’s dad’s protege, and now Riley’s protector—even if she drives him crazy. As with Severn and Kaylin, Beck and Riley have a long history together. There’s something about that long chase that makes it so much sweeter when they finally get together.

3. Todd from the Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent: Todd is one of my favorites. At first, he seemed sneaky and maybe troublesome, but he grew on me. As the series progressed, I couldn’t wait for more Todd. Even though he’s a busy grim reaper, he always manages to show up right when Kaylee needs him most. The more we found out about Todd, the more I loved him. He’s definitely crush worthy.

 4. Adam from the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs: Adam will always be one of my favorite werewolves. He’s the alpha of the pack, and the only one worthy of Mercy. We get to see a little bit into Adam’s mind through his and Mercy’s mate bond as the series progresses, but I’d love to get deeper into his POV. It takes a lot to put up with Mercy and her chaos causing ways, but Adam does it and looks good doing it.

5. Zach from the Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter: Zach doesn’t show up until book two of the series, but when he does, he steals the show. With his long looks and teasing words, not to mention some bad ass spy skills, Zach is a fitting end to my favorite heroes list. Even if it takes Cammie a while to figure out that she can trust Zach, she finally does, and it made me sooooo happy. I have to say that I read all of these books in the past couple of days, and Zach is a big reason why. I can’t get enough of him. Zach is a great guy, supportive, knows that Cammie can take care of herself, but is ready to catch her just in case something goes wrong. And vice versa. Together, they make a great team. I have a feeling the two of them together will be great spies once they graduate. 😉