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S’more to Love about Beth Merlin – Author Interview #2


We’re keeping the fun rolling with the second installment of our Author Interview series with debut author Beth Merlin. Her novel One S’more Summer  just hit the market yesterday! And we couldn’t be more excited!

So without further ado…

Author Interview - Beth Merlin

INKY: What have you learned about yourself while writing this series?

BETH: I’ve for sure learned that where there’s a will, there is a way.  I have one full-time job working in Human Resources for a software company and a second full-time job, running after a pretty active 2 ½ year old.  Friends and acquaintances are always asking me when I find the time to write and I always give the same answer, “I write every chance I get.”

I write early in the morning.

I write late into the evenings.

I come out of the shower with ideas for my next chapters and record them on my phone so I don’t forget them. I’ll jot down dialogue when I’m in waiting rooms, or a passenger in a car – really any time an idea or inspiration strikes.  There are days I don’t know how I can possibly fit in one more task – but writing is the one thing I do that’s one hundred percent for myself. It’s my passion and outlet, so I’ve learned how to make the time.


And we’re going to extend the run of our VERY SPECIAL AND EXCITING One S’more Summer Giveaway until June 9 – so don’t forget to enter! Click the image below to enter:

One S'more Summer Giveaway

Order One S’more Summer at any of the major retailers – Available in Ebook and Paperback!

One S'more Summer (the Campfire Series, Book One) by Beth Merlin | Ink Monster


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